We've just added a new way to browse and manage all of the sites that you have in Google Search Console.
What's New:
We now allow you to manage which sites you want to pull into Indexguru from search console. It makes it easier to selectively add and control sites.
Each site page comes with a deep dive that shows you exactly where the site is in its indexing journey and what pages we've submitted and which are awaiting indexing.
It's really easy to search and sort sites and URLs for a site. We've also made it easy to export the indexing status to CSV. It gives you the ability to more easily see what's indexed or not and then dig deeper into why.
Open Graph Image Viewer & Generator is now live. You can preview live sites and generate new images for your social media images.
Coming Soon:
Soon you'll be able to tag sites to group them more easily. This should help make it easier for customers that have tons of sites.
Takes 5 minutes to setup